Saturday, February 11, 2017

Strike! Black Part 2

Continuing the origin of Strike! Dennis takes the Power Belt out for a test run in Cherry Hill, one of the worst sections in Baltimore.

What happens next? Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Strike! Black Part 1

Over the past few years, to the consternation of older fans, there has been a trend with "mainstream" comic publishers to replace "legacy" characters (who are older established, and usually Caucasian) with either a minority or a woman. Strike!, created by Charles Dixon (writer), Tom Lyle (penciler), Romeo Tanghal (inker) and published by Eclipse Comics in 1987, in some ways could be considered a legacy character with a unique spin, in that both predecessor and newcomer make their first appearance in the first issue of the series. Unlike DC and Marvel Comics, Eclipse did not have established Golden or Silver age characters other than the acquired Air Fighters(Airboy, Valkyrie, Sky Wolf, The Heap, etc) originally published by Hillman Periodicals during World War II. Strike! became only the second comic published by Eclipse to star a Black character(Sabre being the first). Unfortunately, sales on Strike! did not seem to warrant publishing beyond 6 issues and the one shot Strike! VS Sgt. Strike. What a shame.